School Liaison Officer (SLO)

Child & Youth Education Services

Welcome to NAF Atsugi!

We here to help you and your family with the challenges of making the transition to Japan.  Visit our website to learn more about educational opportunities and what we can do to help you make the most of your tour of Japan.

School Liaison Officer
Child Development Center (CDC) Bldg. 3250
Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (or by appointment)

Calling from Local Phone
DSN Line: 264-4732
Commercial Phone or Portable Device: 264-4732 off base (Cell) 0467-63-4732

Calling from CONUS & U.S. Territory
DSN Line: 315-252-4732
International: 011-81-0467-63-2206

Email Addresses:

Mailing Address: PSC 477 Box 20, FPO AP 96306

Site Menu


Shirley Lanham Elementary School (Located on NAF Atsugi)


DODEA Zama American Middle High School (Located on Camp Zama)

Website | Facebook 


School Meal Program (SMP)


Shirley Lanham Elementary School

Navy Exchange Meal Program Information

Operational Manager: Keith Tucker
DSN Phone Number: 264-3197
From US Phone Number: 011-81-0467-63-3197


Zama American Middle High School

AAFES Exchange Meal Program Information



Both SLES and ZAMHS require you to set up a lunch account, each school requires a separate account.

DoDEA School Meal Program Information 
SMP Application

Free and Reduced Meal (FARM)
Free and Reduced Meal Program Information
FARM Application

School Transportation
School Transportation Information


Bus Transportation:

Monday-Friday: 0800-1600 (Closed for lunch 1130-1230)

DSN Phone Number: 263-4151
From US Phone Number: 011-81-0462-511788 you will then be prompted to dial the number you need.


Military families relocate almost every three years. Many military children have already flown on a plane before they walk, and they often get their passport before their driver’s license. Their hometown isn’t on the map—it is the map. As students, these children may attend 6 – 9 schools before they graduate high school.

Commander Navy Installations Command (CNIC) established Child & Youth Education Services (CYES) Navy-wide to address the education needs of military families that come with frequent transitions and extended deployments. CYES is a function of Child & Youth Programs (CYP) under Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR). The Navy School Liaison Officer (SLO) is responsible for implementing all aspects of CYES and School-Based Programming.

CYES Mission
CYES helps connect military families to their command, school, community, and future. The mission of Navy CYES School-Based Programming is to cultivate an environment supportive of transitioning families, school preparedness, and military mission readiness. School-Based Programming is a collaborative effort to facilitate the transition and orientation experiences that address the needs of mobile students and provides support during deployments while promoting academic achievement and successful social and emotional adjustment at school.

Commander CYES Program
The SLO is the face of the command to the educational community and the face of the educational community to the command. The SLO serves as the primary liaison for community schools, commanders, and military parents and wears many hats: advisor, communicator, advocate, and coordinator. The SLO has four primary customers - commanders, educators, parents, and community partners – and serves as the subject matter expert and point of contact to each.


School Transition Services
Assist families with school transfers and help ‘level the playing field’ for military children and youth.

Deployment Support
Connect educators with Navy deployment support system to inform them about cycles of deployment and tools available to assist in working with Navy children.

Command, School, Community Communications
Serve as subject matter experts for installation commanders on K-12 issues, helping to connect command, school and community resources.

Partnerships in Education (PIE)
Creates volunteer network of resources to support installation and community members who have a vested interest in the success of all youth.

Home School Linkage and Support
Assist families by gathering and sharing information on homeschooling issues, policies and legislation and help leverage CYP resources to support these families.

Special Needs System Navigation
Provide information on installation and community programs and services, make referrals to EFMP, and assist in navigating administrative systems within LEAs.

Post Secondary Preparations
Leverage installation and school resources to provide graduating military students with access to post-secondary information and opportunities.

Helpful Links
• Curriculum Standards
• Attendance Policy
• Graduation Requirements
• Parent and Student Resources


Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
This interstate compact is a game changer for military families in resolving education transition issues for military children. It assists military students with tangible ways during multiple school-to-school transfers. Articles IV-VII address Enrollment, Placement, Eligibility, and Graduation policies. Every school district in the US has military children and all 50 states have adopted the compact as state law. Each state has an appointed commissioner and council. The District of Columbia and DoDEA are ex officio members.

Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3)
• MIC3 Website
• MIC3 Facebook
• 5 Minute Info Video

Youth Sponsorship Program (YSP)
The Youth Sponsorship and Student 2 Student programs match youth sponsors to inbound youth 3rd-12th grade, including homeschool students. Youth have instant validity with other youth and sponsors help new youth connect to their new installation, school, and community. The three components of YSP are Outreach, Orientation, and Peer-to-Peer.

To request a youth sponsor and/or become a youth sponsor, please visit the Youth Sponsorship Program page.

PCS Checklist - From the Parent/Guardian:
• Student’s birth certificate
• Student’s social security number/card
• Student’s shot record
• Legal documents, as needed (power of attorney, custody papers, etc.)
• Proof of residency (2 utility bills with remittance attached)
• Military orders (including housing orders)

School Information
• Address, phone numbers, email, other contact information
• Course description book/grading scale (for 6th grade and above)
• Copy of the cover of each textbook
• School profile/handbook
• School web page

School Records
• Copy of cumulative folder (only the copied mailed between schools is considered official)
• Current schedule
• Report cards
• Withdrawal grades or progress reports
• Test scores (standardized or special program testing, etc.)

Special Programs Records as Appropriate
• Individual Education Plan (IEP)/Individual Accommodation Plan (504)
• Gifted and Talented Program description
• English as a Second Language (ESL) or Bilingual Education description
• At-Risk or other action plans for classroom modifications

PCS Outbound
• Directory Navy School Liaison Officers

Non DoD School Program (NDSP)
NAF Atsugi does not offer the Non DoD School Program (NDSP) but if you PCS to an area that does here is some information:
Allowable and Non Allowable Expenses
NDSP Orientation
Step-by-Step Registration Checklist

Military OneSource Deployment Resources

Preparing for Deployment
• Website

During Deployment
• Website

After Deployment
• Website

Military and Family Life Counselor (MFLCs)
What is a Military & Family Life Counselor (MFLC)?
MFLCs help military families through cycles of deployment and reintegration by providing non-medical, short-term counseling. Through a partnership between the school district, the installation and the office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy, counselors will be assigned to various schools during the school year.

What is the counselor’s role in the school?
CYP-MFLC and School MFLC(s) provide consultation, training, and educational presentations/ workshops to program faculty, staff, parents, and children. School-MFLC support augments services already in place at each school. Counselors take part in everyday school activities and events and help with deployment and reintegration; family dynamics; positive coping mechanisms; staff support and education; parent education and stress reduction. Counselors are also available to facilitate groups and training to build leadership skills; manage anger; build self-esteem and confidence and strengthen communication.

Contact MFLC:

• NAF Atsugi CYP MFLC: Phone Number: 080-4042-1796

• NAF Atsugi School MFLC(s): Phone Number: 080-9465-0422/3372


Special Education One-Stop Resource
• Website

NAF Atsugi Fleet & Family Support Center

The Navy's Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) serves military families with special needs. The EFMP is a mandatory enrollment program for sponsors with qualifying family members. Enrollment in the EFMP ensures maximum provision of services to the family throughout the sponsor’s career.

The EFMP includes identification of the family member's special needs and enrollment in the program, assignment coordination and family support. The Program assists Sailors during the assignment process by addressing the special needs of their exceptional family members (EFM) and ensuring they are assigned to areas where they can access necessary resources.

Special needs include special medical, dental, mental health, developmental or educational requirements, the requirement for adaptive equipment assistive technology devices and services and/or wheelchair accessibility.  


NAF Atsugi  Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) 

EFMP Case Liaison, Fleet & Family Support Center
• Currently Vacant.

Japan ( Yokosuka) EFMP LEAD


Educational and Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS)

Early Intervention Services (Birth to Age 3)

Our goal in the Early Intervention Services is to support families in their efforts to support their children's growth, development, and learning.  Families may be eligible for early intervention services if they have a child age birth to three years with a documented developmental delay or who has a diagnosed physical or mental condition which has a high probability of resulting in a developmental delay.

EDIS may be accessed in two ways.  Referrals can come from medical professionals or families themselves.  All children who are referred to EDIS must receive a timely and an appropriate evaluation to determine eligibility for services.

A family may be referred by the child's primary care physician.  Sometimes the signs of developmental delay, or risk factors for delay are apparent at birth or in the early months.  These may be identified in the newborn nursery, during well-baby checks, or during routine health care visits.  Other times, parents will notice that their child is not developing as expected and bring their concerns to the physician's attention.  Parents may have heard about EDIS from community agencies or other parents and call the program directly for information.  Some families may be referred to EDIS from their day care provider who notices that the child is not developing like other children their age.  Regardless of how families enter the system, the process of evaluating and supporting families remains the same.

For more information on early intervention services, please use the following link:  Early Intervention Process.

USNH Yokosuka, Japan
Supports Atsugi, Camp Zama, Iwakuni, Misawa, Sasebo and Yokota Address:
U. S. Naval Hospital Yokosuka
Educational & Developmental Intervention Services
PSC 475, BOX 1 Code 002E
FPO AP 96350-1600
CML:  011 81 6160 43 7260
DSN:  315 253 7260
FAX (DSN):  315 243 9869

• DSN: 252-3372
• From US Phone Number: 011-81-956-50-3372
• Overseas to Japan: 011-84-46-816-8507

Military OneSource Special Needs Resources
Education Directory for Children with Special Needs
• Website

An Overview of Special Education:
• Website

Specialized Training of Military Parents (STOMP)
STOMP is a Parent Training and Information (PTI) Center dedicated to empowering military families with the training and information they need to promote success for their child with special needs.
• Website
• Facebook

Kids Included Together (KIT)
Who We Are:
Kids Included Together (KIT) is a national, registered 501(c)(3) non–profit organization teaching understanding.
• Website

Special Ed Connection
Special Ed Connection is a comprehensive web resource available 24/7 to instantly locate proven strategies, helpful tools, special education case law, federal statutes/regulations and more. It is provided by Navy Child & Youth Programs and is free for Navy staff and parents. To register contact the School Liaison Officer. A welcome letter with individual access password will be sent to you. DoDEA educators also can access Special Ed Connection, contact the SLO, DoDEA Special Education Chief.

Some highlights...
Smart Starts
Become more familiar with specific special education topics such as IEPs and parental involvement.

Special Ed Online Dictionary
Definitions of 1,400 widely used terms in special education issues.

News, Articles and Updates
Stay informed and current on newsworthy events in the special education community.

Special Ed Round-Ups
Best-practices and access to valuable resources on special education issues.


Free SAT/ACT Prep for Military Families
• Website

Scholarships for Military Children
• Website

Federal Student Aid
• Website

The College Board expanding access to higher education
• Website

Post 9/11 GI Bill education benefit program
• Website

The ACT Student Site
• Website for Military Families
• Website